Monday, December 7, 2009

Circus Blanket - Almost Finished...

Just a few pics of the final stages of this
blanket. As usual the squares I had to fabricate out of scraps added a lot of texture and interest. I'm in the process of sewing on the edging now and should easily finish this tomorrow.


  1. Colors are beautiful. And the addition of the smaller blocks is a great idea. Love it!

  2. Hi, where can I contact you ?

  3. I created a website with gift ideas and I would like to publish some of your posts, of course with a linkback to your blog. The website is called
    I would also love if you would like to post yourself there posts about handmade items that would be great as gifts when you'll have some spare time.. I could provide you with a username and password if you would like. You can contact me at

    Thank you very much for your time.
